a tailored policy
Extensive cover since we insure your home and its contents against all possible claim events that are not included on our short list of exclusions
Certainty because even claim events that we have not thought of are covered. This means you don’t have to worry about what might happen as we will do that for you.
Unlimited cover for building and contents: the policy has no set insured capital, you are insured without limitation.
A specific insurance policy with special conditions for diplomats or international staff
In combination with our CD CAR INSURANCE you benefit from a substantial discount on the CD HOME INSURANCE.
Any loss can lead to a multitude of practical issues. That is why the CD HOME INSURANCE also includes a broad range of services:
A quality insurance policy means effective service and claims settlement:
What is KBC Home Repair? KBC Home Repair is a free service provided as a standard part of your Home Insurance policy; there are no additional costs involved.
You can claim on this cover if your home is damaged. Are you pressed for time? You don’t know a good repairer? Or you simply can’t be bothered with the hassle of finding one and arranging the repairs yourself? KBC will gladly take care of this for you.
What types of repairs are covered?
All damage covered under your KBC Home Insurance policy is included.
Home Insurance is a product from KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium – VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB - The company is licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979). Productinfo
Check out the features, benefits and limitations of the product in the corresponding product sheet and general conditions on www.kbc.be
2025 Torcq - De Wilde & Partners bvba
Lovelddreef 14 9070 Destelbergen - T 09/210 90 00 - E kantoor.tdwp@verz.kbc.be
CD INSURANCE is een handelsnaam van Torcq – De Wilde & Partners bvba, ingeschreven en handelend als verbonden verzekeringsagent van KBC Verzekeringen nv met ondernemingsnummer BE0479256808, Lovelddreef 14, 9070 Destelbergen, België